Book review #1 : All I Know Now by Carrie Hope Fletcher
I have never been so excited to get a book in my whole life and I've always been a bookworm! I read this in two days and halfway through I knew I'd have to read it again and highlight my favourite pieces of advice. Yes the thought of colouring in a book with words is actually scary but fuck it, Miss Fletcher does say some insightful things and that needs to stand right out!
I would and have recommended this book - 4 people have bought it (because I told them to so they had something for her to sign when WE MET HER LAST FRIDAY - I vlogged it, it cut off recording right before we actually met her but it shall be posted some Wednesday soon). It's funny, it's smart, it's helpful, you and your friends all need to read it 7 times over. I love his book. I'd say the only "bad" thing about it was that it is set out like a script, though very familiar to Carrie and very, well, Carrie it confused me at first but having read it, it does make sense the way she has written it in carefully thought out sections. Plus the Eponine interval drawing is beautiful.
Carrie's talk about Andrew Kaufman's book All My Friends Are Superheroes has made me really want to buy it and read it, but I'm holding off that point until after I've gotten through my line up of novels to read. Also I need to sort through my books and my tiny bookshelves are getting a bit crammed I just can't bare to give them away!
Anyway, All I Know Now is basically what it says on the tin, wonderings and reflections on growing up gracefully. Carries anecdotes and unique writing format makes it enjoyable and her honest and valuable advice is helpful, I think more people ought to read it as it's very beneficial. Her writing flows easily and it's as if she's sat there talking to you.
I'd say this is a book for 13-22 year olds, Carrie being 22 herself sets a god bench mark and looking back I think my 13 year old self could've made excessive use of Carries abundance of advice. I fell like I relate to Carrie a lot already and having read even more about her experiences and opinions has made me feel even more so. She's down to earth, creative, talented, funny and very friendly and I admire her a lot for that.
Meeting her for one beautiful minute told me I wanted to meet her again and see her as Eponine and never unsubscribe. She's one of the first youtubers I ever watched so I have known for a long time how enthusiastic she is about books, showing me that it's okay to love them and not be ashamed for being "geeky". I'm somewhat proud of her for achieving this number one best seller! I look forward to reading more from Carrie.
Cheerio loved ones - Beky x