How To Survive Uni


Hello and a merry Saturday to you! I believe it is half term now so I do hope you're having all sorts of fun - or at least have fun lined up. I have friends on holiday, at Gay Pride Parade and Slam Dunk Festival... Meanwhile I am about to go to a camera shop with dad because that's just my level of fun.

This week has ended well, despite being brimming with stress and exhaustion at the start, but now I can happily say I have finished a year of university, although I still have to go back and get the results from my last hand in, which I feel pretty okay with so I feel like I will pass which is enough for me. Not only that but now I am the happy owner of my own laptop - I don't know if I've spoken about it on my blog but if you follow me on twitter (and you should, I do try to be banterous and hashtag relatable) you'll be all too familiar with my desire and somewhat need for one. I'm typing this blog on it now and it's lush! I am one happy bunny. I'm also a bit excited for second year if only for the fact I get to whip this lovely device out and type with everyone else.

Anyway, I wanted to celebrate my finished a year of uni achievement by giving some tips and advice on surviving uni - I will probably do this again in September for all the freshers if any of them read :)

Number one: After securing your place, sorting out all the "adult" stuff (like finance etc) and telling your family the good news - get all the equipment you will need. For me, I was given a list of needing a memory stick and hard drive as these are your best friends in photography - but in any subject they will be most helpful. An academic diary will also be your best friend, mine is detailed to what time and room I will be in each day. These are all tools for organisation - which you really need to be if you actually want to survive uni! And be sure to whack your name permanently onto these things, so if they're lost they can get back to you, and if you need to hand them in, your tutors know whos is whos.

Number Two: Notebooks are a must - of course use your laptop if you have one, but even then a notebook helps you to remember the information and lessens the memory and clutter on said laptop. It also prevents distractions - the amount of people I have watched being on facebook during a lecture is ridiculous - only to ask us all questions on the group chat after. A class group chat is also good, it helps first days be less awkward when you get there, as well as supporting each other when you do need help finding places, so do join online groups and get yourself added to a chat if there is one. And double check if you get yourself into a smaller group chat with all your new best friends in, you don't want to chat shit about one of the morons in your class to the whole class!

Number Three: When you do make friends, make a small group chat for you all so you can get close by having banter, heart to hearts and helping each other out when you need it. It makes going into class more fun when you have people to sit with and have such group chat experience in real life. And you will make friends, everyone really is "in the same boat" so just chat to someone, introduce yourself and smile, eventually you will find your squad :) And don't forget your pals from school and sixth form, know where they're studying and if they're away, keep in touch and know when they're back so you can meet up for a drink and a chat. One of my friends is also studying near town so I've been round to say hi (and take photos of her) - take care of old friendships aw well as new ones.

Number Four: I'm not sure how much I can preach this as I have missed a few but try to go to your lectures - especially your course specific ones and extra ones given by professionals. In my course we have an afternoon Monday lecture but this is pretty broad and boring so these are the ones people tend to skip for a day of independent working. But every class day I go to and have tried to go to as many extra lectures given by professional and experienced photographers - it's inspiring and helpful, more so than Monday lectures about illustration and graphic design as well as photography. If you have something like this then check what the lecture will be about so you can make your best judgement to decide if it will really be worth going or if it's better to do your own work you need to give attention to.

Number Five: Another BFF is the library, with books and computers and quiet spaces to help your learning, why wouldn't you want to go to the library? It is a great benefit when you can include research from a publication as well as online, and this is what your tutors want to see from you. So learn where the library is on your campus and any additional libraries across other campuses of your uni or the city in general to aid your learning. And don't forget to return these books - at my uni you are fined for keeping things longer than allowed so don't get in that position - other people need to read too!

Number Six: Try not to hold a grudge against the education system. It took me a while to begin to enjoy university, the fact I was making good friends, had a banterous tutor and was doing something I loved helped the most. The £9000 and printing is still the bane of my existence though... But let your love of what you're doing take over and drive your learning and passion to continue learning.

Number Seven: When you're done, nap for a thousand years. And now I bid you adieu to return to my hibernation, take care and good luck to those still trooping!

Cheerio loved ones - Beky x

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