Story time #8 : Birthday party


HALLO! Last weekend me and my chummy hosted a joint birthday party for my 18th and her 21st. 
 I had the idea to put up a makeshift photobooth with a white sheet in the corner and lots of props for my friends to take some fun selfies but among the surprises, my dad arranged for the wonderful folks at Tip Top Photography to take photos. 

So here are my most favourites from the evening - which everyone enjoyed and I'm very pleased with these photos. The fact they're from a friend too makes it all the more to cherish. 

Me with the man himself - party planner extrodinare 
Getting out- purpled...
All my friends that could make it :) <3
I LOVE how my friends find my dad so hilarious, makes my heart smile. 

Everyone watching the other surprise of of a video my brother made for me. 'Twas very cute and embarrassing. 
All the emotions (yes I cried)

The photobooth went down very well which I was most pleased with, but looking nice back I would have definitely taken many more!
The moment we've all been waiting for... My first legal purchase of alcoholic beverages...

And our beautiful cake made by chummy's mom and sister (pictured here) 
And of course some aggressive blowing of the sparkler candles. 
And here's your girl, feeling pretty on her big night - hello friends xx

I think that will keep you all going for now hahaa. Oh I do love a good photo. Do follow my Instagram (bekloukat of course) for some more photos I may not have shared here. 

Feel free to share stories of your favourite parties I'd love to hear them :)

Cheerio loved ones - Beky xx

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