Exploring In The Sun
Hey hey friends, I hope you are well. I am currently loving the sunshine of summer that we are currently blessed with - although I haven't fully embraced it because I've been embracing my lazy this week because I'm lazy. But I have been outside a little today for a spontaneous drive with a friend who recently passed her test, which was really nice to have a bit of banter and catch up with a couple friends for about half an hour or so. As you can see however, the best day this week was properly exploring outdoors in the sun, especially as I had my very good friend Evie C and my camera. So here are some pictures of Eve amongst some greenery...
First things first, she got in the river didn't she? Go big or go home. It always starts with a "I could get over there couldn't I?" - she easily could until she threw me her glasses so she could put on her shades, but a bad thrower and a bad catcher are not a good mix and the poor specs fell into a deep part of the river, so she ditched her shoes and sacrificed her socks. Sorry again Eve!
A lot of the afternoon consisted of neither of us really knowing what we were doing, but I did my typical thing and used my 50mm lens and got some greenery in the foreground out of focus for that narrow depth of field that I love. I snapped away, trying to keep Eve in focus as she moved around, mainly pratting about which was very funny for us both, but it gave us some nice shots of her laughing.
By the river where was a patch of tall white flowers. I say patch because it wasn't big enough to be a field, but it was still big. Any way I encouraged Eve to go in a little bit so that there were some flowers in front of her as well as behind. This was my favourite little scene from our impromptu shoot - friends, come and take photos in flowery fields with me.
Also you may notice I've managed to put my logo onto my images! I'm very excited about it. I've gone very pro indeed as I've been blessed with Photoshop (a basic version but I'm crap at editing and it annoys me so that's fine for me) It's amazing, I'm getting the hang of it and it's much easier to use than the version uni have, but I try and get my pictures pretty good in camera anyway so I don't have to edit too much. Thanks dad, much appreciated :)
I took these shots on continuous shutter to be sure I'd catch the smoke as she breathed it out. I even merged two images together to get more smoke and make it look edgy af.
A bit of another "I can get on that" moment. Again, she threw her glasses to me and they fell in the long grass. Seriously, that stump reached our hips, that grass is loooonnggg! It was my turn to reach in for them and hope there were no stinging nettles. This was a little difficult for me as she was up high and I do like having something close so that I can get a depth of field, so I got down low and tried to focus on Eve from all this long grass...
this one was actually an accident but I really like it, it's different from all the others and there's just something about it which I really like but I can't quite pin why, but here it is anyway.
Here's one in "proper" focus with all the blurry greenery in front. Perhaps that's my style, just having a bit of blurry something or other in the foreground. I think photography is constant playing around so I shall hopefully drag another friend out and try some more over summer - I do prefer photographing people, especially goons like Eve who make it twice as fun.
And that is all I have for you today, I hope you're having a lovely day and I wish you all the best for the week.
Cheerio loved ones - Beky x