Project 52: May


Aloha folks, I hope you are well. I'm still eagerly waiting for my results on my last uni submission, perhaps when I get those I might share with you some of my images from that project and talk about it a little, but for now here is one image and a couple other pieces from what went on to make that last project happen... Here is May...

Week one and I went into the studio again for some experimentation. I am still not sure if my images are "fine art" enough but this one (and ones like this) seemed so, so I was much happier with these and only wish I had many more in this style to put in the required 15 image long book. But hey-ho, it was experimentation with self portrait - long exposure and subject matter for me and it was a very different way of shooting things for me so that's gotta count for something right?

I did use this image in my final book though, in case you were wondering.

Speaking of the books, week two was full of book making, and I got so into it I wrote a blog post on how to make a book [x]. I really want to keep making books after this module - perhaps for another hand in if it suits but just for little gifts and things would be lovely. I really enjoyed the process and found it somewhat therapeutic to sit and construct something with my hands for a few hours.

Week Three and I went to my beloved London with my uni pals as if we all didn't have a deadline in literally a week, but we had fun. we went to see Photo London which was a maze of an exhibition, after seeing most of it we headed to the Tate Modern so we could squeeze in some exploring along the way which we all really wanted to do. Would have been more fun had it not been raining but it made for a couple good images and sparked an idea in me to photograph some of the uglier parts of cities - which you can see here [x].

This image is something that amazed me on Millennium Bridge and had me looking down the whole time. "Chewing Gum Man" as he is aptly nicknamed, paints old pieces of gum on the bridge, making art out of what is usually an eyesore of litter. It was beautiful and I am still so amazed by it and would love to see it again to really take it in as I was called to catch up and was limited by time. Also the rain - which I love, but hate to actually be in.

And finally week four, the hand in! Which I stayed up until nearly 4 to finish ha! (yes I'm still tired) But I managed it, albeit I would have wanted to put more attention to detail and perhaps even another dummy book I have literally just realised I forgot to put the writing in the bigger black dummy book, oh my god but I'm very pleased with what I did submit - even more so as my dad has said more than once, all without me pestering, how he's proud of what I've done. Twas a little surreal though when both me and my tutor teared up in my assessment the day after hand in when we were talking about it - hey, the brief did say it had to be emotionally stimulating...

I was also chuffed to have two beautiful cover designs with the help of Flob and Lauryn - thanks guys, you da best, but because they look so good I actually miss my books so I'm pretty eager to get them back so I can have a flick through and show them the finished product of their help and expert crafts(wo)manship.

Also a key highlight of this month - which I feel I ought to note - has been finally getting my own laptop which I am ever grateful for, and which I blog to you from now. It's so beautiful I love it so much, but I'm kind of eager to get back to uni just so I can use it for what it was bought for rather than games and netflix... Sorry dad, but thank you SO much 💗 I would go back to said games and netflix now but as you're reading this I'm being a proper secondary photographer so I'll be doing that!

Happy June :)

Cheerio loved ones - Beky x

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