Photography #1 : Earlswood Lakes


I adore photos, both still image and moving image. Last year my dad gave me a DSLR camera for my birthday (and a tripod for Christmas) and I was so thankful. I hope to make something out of this new found hobby and I know that I'll have to practice taking and editing my photos but I'm more than okay with that because I bloody love it. Today he said we could take it outside, because he was with me he knew that both me and the camera would be safe from a mugging, even though if I saw anyone try to take my camera off me I'd punch them square in the face, not going to lie. Nevertheless I was excited to take some photos outside of the house on such a beautiful day - there's only so much to see out the window, and my camera had seen it all. These were some of the best ones I took this afternoon. I love natural photos, no poses or organisation, just a casual snap.

These two ducks were just floating around nearby.

This guy came out on his boat and did a few laps around the lake.

I'm not sure what these birds are but they were both diving around for fish, unfortunately I didn't catch them in the act but the photos I did get are still beautiful.

The boats scared the seagulls sat on the surface of the lake, I just thought it looked cool when they scattered out into the air.

These are my favourite kind of days.

There were a lot of fishers out as well, hope they caught something because most of them looked really bored waiting.

There were so many ducks around, I loved the way they left a trail of water behind them as they paddled.

These two swans circled round for a bit, so chilled.

I love the reflection of the sun on the water.

I thought these shots of benches looking out at the lake looked interesting.
 And that was what I got up to today! I enjoyed strolling around looking for photo opportunities and crouching down to the ducks, the weather made it exceptionally enjoyable. and thanks to dad for holding my camera bag and helping me swap lenses by the water. Even pointing out some things with his "photography o-level" knowledge. 

(The only editing I've done on these photos is put a watermark in the bottom right corner.)

Let me know if you want to see any more of my other photos I've taken.

- Cheerio my little sunshines, Beky x

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