Happy Spring!


Well hello everyone and how are you today. I was pondering about what to write yesterday as I rarely plan posts since I like to keep things recent and with the times if that's even a phrase. As it's easter weekend I decided to brighten things up by talking about spring - my favourite time of year. Although I'm not a fan of loosing an hours sleep in bed, I love the longer days and warmer nights. The pink on the trees and the yellow of the sun, which we've missed all winter long. I still cherish every season, the deep orange of autumn, the crisp frost in winter and the pure heat of summer which we all moan about but miss during what feels like an eternal winter.

My favourite colour is yellow because I think of it as a happy colour. A colour that sits with mint, peach and lavender during the spring colour scheme of shops. I adore the colours of spring, they seem so bright and pure, painting the world to life with the blossoms and bloom. Not to mention the clear blue skies as the sun starts sending down it's warmth. What a poetic picture of spring I've painted in your heads! I adore everything about spring so much, I could go on about it forever.

I'm not much of a religious person after the passing of my mother, but I do respect other people's faith and religious easter celebrations. However I, like many others, will be celebrating with chocolate, not to mention the fluffy hot cross buns. I've eaten two already but they didn't make it to the toaster as they were just too irresistibly fluffy and mmmmmm. I've forgotten what we're really celebrating but I like the excitement over chocolate, bunnies and all the pastel spring colours like we all revert to children with a sugar rush again.

This spring I'd love to see what sort of photos I can get in the bright weather. Maybe outdoor model shoots or even just some new nature photography, which I haven't done in a while because I'm yet to confidently take my camera out in the cold air in the middle of winter. Spring makes nature and the outdoors so inviting, even just going on walks and seeing the world lighten up again would be soul cleansing. I'm also interested to see what spring fashion this year looks like despite me being nothing of a fashionista, I just love the cuteness and colours of spring.

Do let me know what your favourite things about spring and easter are. The yummy treats, clothes, scenery, colours or clothes and make up. I look forward to sharing any photos I take during this season.

In the season of new life and all that, I wish you well. You don't have to totally re-birth yourself to start a new life, maybe that's why it's called a spring clean. Tidy the mess in your room or move things around. Change up your wardrobe - which I'm doing at the moment but painfully slowly it's ridiculous. Change your instagram theme or your profile pictures - I do love a good photo, anybody does. As always, do show me your own photography during spring I'd love to see them. All the love and a happy spring to you all. That sounds like I'll never be back but I shall see you next week for an underwear photoshoot - ooh err!

Cheerio loved ones - Beky x

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