Fashion Shoot Part 2 : In Colour!


Aloha friends and welcome to part two of the great fashion photoshoot extravaganza! Click here [x] to see the black and white photos from last week. I didn't quite realise just how many coloured photos I had so get a brew on and enjoy! I still adore these photos and this shoot, so let me know what you think and tell me what your favourite shots are...

I adore the colouring of these two urban street shots. The warm tones makes it look like a sunny autumnal day, one of my most favourite kind of atmospheres as everything is just so orange and crisp but still a little warm.

This is my favourite from the set on the steps. While taking it I even thought "this looks like its from a fashion magazine or something" and I still think so. Everything about it just looks perfect, the lighting, colours and positioning. I think it's pretty amazing if I do say so myself.

This is another of my favourites, although I hate the glare through the window, I LOVE the pose - which is something I recommended myself ooh get me all professional. But yes I thought the skirt was beautiful and really brought out the vintage look and the pout really is the cherry on top.

In much of these colour photos I focused on the beautiful colour of Elle's hair, lips and eyes to make the image pop with bright, warm tones.

Again, hello great editing skills and goodbye unnecessary blue sticker on the window over her shoulder ;)
I love these vintage looks, so casual and chic.
I love the warm lighting too, despite having cold hands all day.

Here I love the contrast of the black jacket and Elle's lovely hair colour against the white interior, making her really stand out, as well as the framing and texture of the wall.

In these shots I focused on making her hair, eyes and lips pop. The black and white ones from this set look amazing and timeless but I just adore colours in photography and decided not to neglect the small essences of colour in this set, trying something different and enticing to draw in attention.

I made her lips a lot brighter and redder in this one as her gorgeous blue eyes are striking.
I adore how simple and natural this one looks I can barely describe.

I love how full of emotion this character shot is, Again I focused on making her hair and the blue of this dress really vivid under the spotlight of the flashgun. 
This shot isn't as bright, I decided to tone it down a bit more so that it was the emotion and story that shone through in this image. Let me know what sort of stories you would make up to go along with these photos I'd love to hear some ideas!

This one caught Steve's eye because of how the lighting lined up perfectly. I also love how you can just about make out the floral wallpaper behind Elle, which was lit up with a blue tint. I liked not having to edit these dark character photos as much because it was about the stark contrast and spotlight.

I think this last set is one of my favourites because of how H&M/casual it looks, with the bright red shirt centring all the attention. I particularly love the light flare on this one, I feel it really polishes off the casual candid-like tone of these images.
I also adore this one because of the walls that frame Elle on the windowsill, and the slight industrial feel to the walls that heighten the casual urban style. I sneakily took this one from the side while Steve was getting his shot [x], which I also adore. There's just something amazing about watching a professional at work and how similar the method and results can be.

I really really love this shot. The messy hair really emphasises the "casualness" of it all and focuses the eye more towards the shirt. I feel like this would be classic sort of fashion shot, more about the clothes than the beautiful person wearing them.
I love the simplicity of this shot. The contrast between the door and Elle really make her shirt, hair and striking blue eyes stand out.
And there you have it. I'm not sure I can choose my favourite between black and white or colour, I love each shot for different reasons. I'm not even sure which set is my favourite anymore after talking about each one carefully. It is strange to look at photography and admire it then thinking, "that's mine, I took that." But that's what I've done after this shoot and I'm very pleased with it. Please let me know your favourites, I always love a bit of feedback.

I have been on another shoot with Tip Top since this one, a lingerie shoot - ooh! I shall be sharing those but do bear in mind, (not to insult your intelligence) lingerie means underwear. I'll talk all about the new experience and my thoughts on it soon but I shall give you a break from photography for next week before a shoot of something new.

Cheerio loved ones - Beky x

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