Family #2 : Friendship
I'm so thankful that my friends and my family are confident and comfortable around each other. When I bring friends home or my family go to theirs to pick me up from their house there isn't any awkwardness.
My friends and my family get along and I am so thankful for that. I'm so happy when I see them laughing and joking together. The shared sense of humour me and the people I surround myself with is a saviour hahaa.
Not all of my family members are a friend to me. And not every single one of my friends are like family to me. But the main handfuls of people that come to mind whenever I hear the words family or friends are golden and I'm forever grateful that they are in my life and stay there, happy for me to keep them in my life because I love them so much.
I'm truly blessed that my friends and family get along so well. And ol that really makes me happy. I wish it could blend them all together all the time for maximum intense yet hilarious socialising.
I'm not a confident social person, the thought of it makes me anxious but if I know even one member of family or one of my friends will be there, all is well.
What are you thankful for today? And how well do your friends and family get along? I'm curious :)
Ps: sorry I've been slacking lately, I'll try to keep it up better.
Cheerio loved ones - Beky x