Photos Around Sarehole Mill


Aloha everybody and another happy Saturday to you. A couple weeks ago now my dad dragged me out of the house down to Sarehole Mill for live music and beer. Neither of which really interest me apart from the appeal of taking photos, which I hadn't done down there for a while now. I didn't manage to muster up the courage and confidence to take photos of the bands that played, but the pictures looked great in my head. Nevertheless we spotted a heron (which I unfortunately missed flying) and I played around with settings inside the mill...

The heron meandered around the algae smothered pond for ages, long enough for me to switch to my telephoto lens and get really close up to the details on the feathers and eyes.
Although I missed his quick sweeps to opposite corners of the pond I managed to catch him nibbling on a fish.
I loved the small unique details of this aged place, although many times as I began to get close I saw a spider moving and ran away. Heck no absolutely not, I can just about cope with a cobweb. *shudders*
I love the vintage feel of a wooden panelled door and iron locks and handles, it seems like such a classic image of "the olden days".
I really like the lens flare on this - I just love the colours. This is an old steam engine I believe, having lived closed to this place my whole life and visited on many occasions you get used to what's inside and stop reading the information plaques and just see it as "yeah that spinny thing there" or "the green un-functioning thing in the corner". I only wish this wasn't as close as you can get to it so I can get photos of all the intricate bits and pieces.
I really like the old wood of the attic space. And the old post sacks stuffed with, something so you don't smash your head on the low beams. Can't say I've ever done that but in the past I have ached from laughing at my dad hitting his head. While I tried (and failed) to get a photo of the windows the other side of this wheel my dad took a few candids of me [x] [x] oh how suave!
Yay! A successful low shutter speed photo! I used the brickwork and a wooden beam in the foreground to show off the moving parts rather than having a slightly confusing blurry photo. These are the only moving parts of the mill, in the background there is a water wheel which grinds wheat on Wednesdays and Sundays [source]. Here is a still image from the website [x]

I really like this photo because of all the scratches and marks on the window, and the hint of the lovely spring afternoon and community. Although, it was quite awkward when the man looked up and saw me. Such subtle, much running up the stairs.
I grew obsessed with the unique and aged windows of this place with every window I saw, I just couldn't help myself.

This is my favourite window photo I think. The backlight totally blacks out the walls and makes the window panes and view more interesting, with a little help from saturation of course.

I was and am quite impressed with this photo as it's the closest I've gotten without macro, while still being in focus. There was also a butterfly to the right here but she didn't open her wings so photos weren't all that great, hopefully another time.

I love this one because of how well you can see the detail of the wings, with the sunlight shining straight through.

I really like the rugged texture of the window panes, and the colouring as it aged and became more "minging" over time, only giving it more character.

I hope you like this small collection of pictures, maybe over some more time I can go back and find some more nooks and crannies. I would recommend going there for a little family outing. It does cost to go inside the mill [x] however the outside architecture and gardens are equally as beautiful. Sometimes there are events in the neighbouring field, like the Tolkien weekend - also high praise for families with markets, crafting, food, plays and fancy dress opportunity.

As always let me know your favourite images and hit me up with some of your favourite photography bloggers for me to check out for myself.

Cheerio loved ones - Beky x

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