Almost Too Tired To Function


Yep. Definitely didn't forget I even owned a blog... Whoops. Forgive me friends. And hello! My oh my are things getting crazy. Not only am I trying to maintain a social life and failing to remember to text people with a substantial conversation. But I'm swamped with homework that never seems to allow enough time for actually revising and remembering all the work for the real exams. Ugh teenage life is hard.

After having two weeks off for Easter I'm way out of routine and I can't keep on top of anything and everything's all rushed back at once. Quite frankly I just want to sleep for 3000 years and if I close my eyes for long enough right now that may happen. I miss my bed. And I miss talking to my best friend Gemma. But there's just not enough hours in the day to have some time off. And procrastination doesn't help yet still just... happens.

I cannot wait for summer to come and to leave education. Not only to get some refreshing sleep that leaves me actually feeling awake but to chill, stress free. Chatting to my friends and having some quality camera time. At the same time I'm so scared for the next step and joining "the big real world" as adults call it. I could probably complain about school for hours but right now I'm just so tired from it. It's a lot of hard work and brain effort.

I always have to straighten things out in my head before I can start. I have to mentally tidy up my brain then physically tidy up the work space. Lay it out in my head again then set to work. I'm a visual learner so revision contains a lot of highlighters, coloured pens and imagining the layout of my workbook when thinking back to poems etc. Perhaps next week I shall blog some tips on revising - and most of all remember I own a blog and Saturday is upload day hahaa!

There are so many important things to maintain in life. It's almost like a triangle of "good sleep", "good grades" and "good social life" and you can only pick two. Right now I don't seem to be able to hold up one, but I'm sure we all get like that. And as much as I live for making my family proud with academic achievements and I find such deep comfort in my bed, all I want right now is to be with my Gemma. I'm working on all three agonisingly slowly but hey better late than never I suppose.

What I will leave you with is this. Always keep your mind clean and put your mental wellbeing first. Don't risk having a breakdown with a pile up of stress trying to keep everything intact when it's all a mess in your head. Straighten it out there before you attempt anything, as much as I live by that I still try and leave myself too tired to function like right now. Oh dear Beky...

Take care of yourselves, love to you all and sweet dreams tonight.

Cheerio loved ones - Beky X 

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