My Happy Little Window


I'm sure I've spoken about my window before, but now I'm gonna tell you all about it. My window is my happy place, more so as I have to sit on (or in) my bed to be next to it. Sunny days always lift my spirits but in late afternoon it gets better as the sun shines right into my window, and when my window is open the wind catches my pretty net curtain and the movement of it really soothes me. After I cleaned it back a day and had my brother re-paint it while he was mid way through painting his whole room white, it's so much more pleasant and I still haven't gotten over how much lovelier it looks now. There's still bits and bobs sitting there but it looks "cleaner", and there is actually some space there to put something on every now and then - like my phone or a mug of tea.

I made a little video of it the other day because it was sunny and a little windy and just plain lovely. I had to capture it and share the peace and happiness it ensues in me. Often I will sit back (or even lie) in my bed looking out the window, come rain or shine, and just get lost in watching the weather thinking of nothing in particular. Other times I will watch it while my mind ticks over all sorts of things - like ideas for blogs or photographs, or plans for the next day or two, even to a lil bit of grief and other mental happenings. And then there are times where I rest my chin on the shelf/board/sill (whatever it's called) and look over all the details of my pretty little window - including the dirt and dust that has now found it's way there that I really ought to clean.

One of my favourite things about this window is also how I get to watch the sun set in between the houses, and soon enough I see the moon. I like the moon too. I've blogged before about the sky [x] and how much I love it. I think it's my favourite thing, I mean, I look out at it from my favourite spot, and from where ever I am and it sets a balance in me and brings me to a calm place where I close my eyes and smile a little. I would adore to have a window seat in my own home, where I have a beautiful front row seat to watch the sunset. That would be the ultimate happy little window!

Everyone should have a favourite place - a happy place. And mine is here in my bedroom, on my bed right by my happy little window. Watching the breeze blowing through the curtains and the clouds take different shapes, the sun beaming right into my room or setting in the distance as the sky blushes, and the raindrops hitting the glass before the moon comes in to view for a quick hello.

Where is your happy place? - I'd love to hear where you like to lose yourself in quietness, it's a nice thing to do. Maybe watch my video [x] of my window to help you think :)

Cheerio loved ones - Beky x

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