Watching a Protest March


Aloha friends, shock horror it's another photography post! As much as I adore them I always feel like I ought to balance them out with written stuff, so suggestions for chats and what not are welcome, but last weekend I went along to a protest and took my camera... you know what's coming...

I was given a leaflet/flyer by my good pal Steph, saying there was a protest against Trump's Muslim ban and against May's support of it. Now, to be honest, I don't keep up with the news and least of all politics, it confuses me so I'm never sure what's going on but hey I'm blissfully ignorant and happy to just do me. I don't want you to have a debate in the comments (who comments anyway lol) or try to make you think one way or another, I simply just want to show my documentation of an event :)

I'm going to caption some of these images with chants from the event and some quotes I managed to remember from the speakers who voiced their opinions, many of which expressed the need to protest and speak out, to show Trump what he is doing is unacceptable to these people.

"Donald Trump in the U.K, we say no way!"

"Say it loud and say it clear, refugees are welcome here!"

"God save our gracious Queen, from the racist tangerine!"

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."

"I'm from Sudan (?*) one of the countries affected by Trump's ban... And I am proud..."

"If it affects Birmingham in the U.S, it will affect Birmingham in the U.K!"

The number of people there apparently doubled throughout the event, their passion was admirable as they all came together, all ages and backgrounds to argue for the same reason. It was a new experience for me not only to take my camera into town just to photograph alone for an afternoon, but to attend an event like this and see it happen for myself. I felt brave for taking myself along and was proud not only for going but also of the images I got out of it, I keep looking back at them I love them so much!

"They would walk 500 miles, and they would walk 500 more... (I had to!)"

"show your heart May, love conquers all!"

"Donald Trump, you are scum, you're not welcome here in Brum!"

"Hey! Ho! Donald Trump has got to go!"

Welcoming the march back to the start/finish line

I decided to put all the images in black and white to remove all the distractions of colour, and bringing out the emotions within the images and putting the words people want to spread in clear view. I feel like it makes them much more raw and powerful, just like it felt to experience.

As always, please let me know which images you like most, and even share your own experience or images if you've been to any kind of protest. I hope to do some more documentary photography like this in the future because I enjoyed it so much and am obsessed with the outcome.

Cheerio loved ones - Beky x

* = I think it was Sudan, my phone is notorious for not having enough storage so I didn't try to record any of the speeches and regretfully so. I did my best to hold onto odd sentences and chants to use as captions to put the images into context.

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