Photographing The Stage
Hi-dee-hi folks and how are you this Saturday? I am so so cold but I shall warm up my fingers and write you a fine blog post ;) Last weekend me and my dad went to Coventry to see my little cousin perform with his bandmates as "Pretty Vile", and they were pretty impressive.
I edged my way to the front for their set and explored a new frontier and environment for me and my photography. It was so difficult to maintain the ideal combination of manual settings with changing lights and fog in a dark room, so many of the photos turned out very crap with that high ISO grain or slow shutter blur. I kept my standard 18-55 zoom lens on so that I could get close up of each band member as well as wide shots of everyone while being crammed in with the crowd. Unfortunately I couldn't move so I didn't get a good view of the drummer so hopefully I could go again and get some more diverse shots.
And with that photography blab I'm trying to get into the habbit of using, we shall get to the good stuff...
I admired the confidence each of them had onstage and how they all really got into the music they performed. I'm not that big of a music devotee, although I do have a guitar I often lose the patience to learn so it's really admirable when I see youngsters get so good at whatever instrument they play.
I was also impressed they had managed to write their own material as it sounded amazing with catchy lyrics and co-ordinated instrumentals - there was one song they performed I really quite liked but I've forgotten the name of it now, sorry guys.
My cousin is cooler than yours. |
I like this photo because of the dramatic blue smoke coming from behind the keyboard player, it would of course be perfected if you could see more than Erin, the drummers head and sticks in the back and if my cousin Joe stepped forward a bit - all the more reason to go again aye.
Another cool thing was how good the singers were, not only in this young band but their peers "Tan. Trum" before them (who I tested my settings on as they were first so the images of them truly were dodgy and will be kept unpublished, sorry guys) and it was a little humbling to see preteens and young teens really showcase their talents in front of a paying crowd. I hope these guys don't stop and go far.
There were speakers right in front of me so I didn't lift my camera up too much as there were rather in the way - I'll have to dibs a better space sooner next time. I also didn't want to piss off anyone behind me by obstructing their view.
Again it was humbling to hear my cousin and his friends play their guitars so well and with such ease as I had given up on teaching myself to play.
Kitty the vocalist also used a chance in front of the mic to raise awareness of charity which she had some friends collecting donations with buckets for, which I think was very admirable for a kid to do not only to her peers but to older people too, particularly as I don't have such confidence.
The keyboard player Laurie then swapped places with Kitty to sing a song she wrote about her brother if I remember rightly. It was very catchy but again my sieve brain has forgotten it by now but in the moment I really enjoyed it.
As I mentioned at the start it was very difficult to get the composition and settings right, so when I got something clear and focused I went mad so do excuse some same-y photos, it's the best I got.
With camera in hand it wasn't easy to join in with the typical rhythmic audience clapping but the atmosphere of this intimate gig was still enjoyable and something new as I've only ever been in the back seats of large arenas for concerts before.
There's always a sense of community at gigs as it's always the same sort of genre so everyone loves what they hear and cheer everyone on, as well as each band supporting each other before they come on and bands interacting together on stage. It's such a good atmosphere and although I rarely go and my ears and throat hurt afterwards, I do love the environment.
I'm quite pleased with the composition here as the bassist Ellie is lit up and in focus at just the right moment.
Sexy hair flip...
This is probably as good as I got at a group band shot with everyone in from my dodgy position, I'll just have to go back and nail that concert photography now I've had a taste.
It's not very sharp but I still think this photo is quite a cool moment so I kept it in anyways.
To keep myself entertained after Pretty Vile's set I continued snapping and experimenting with the environment, even though I was growing hangry and needed to devour a take away asap.
My dad encouraged me to go round the side of the stage as it was sectioned off for the bands to keep their gear safe but as the scene was so intimate and friendly (and we were relatives of a performer) I guess it wasn't so strict. So we went round for a different perspective as the band "All The Rest" played, and I finally got some shots of a drummer (who drummed so hard his pedal broke), which didn't go unnoticed...
Finally it was the headlining act "The Prophets" who really were experienced and it showed as they sounded incredible.
I like these shots from behind the crowd, with an added phone/camera in the air as I think it's a very typical and familiar scene - one that many people love being a part of.
Again I tiptoed around the equipment and slipped to the sidelines as the crowd became full at the front. I know this shot may not be clear but I love the composition of the guitarists and bassist at the front, playing side by side.
I also rather like these crowd shots, singing along with Kate the vocalist, and then clapping to the tunes. I don't think any band managed to leave the stage without having to play an encore to the chanting audience.
And there you have it. I know it's not perfect but all new environments have many a crap photo, I would definitely go again to see my cousin perform not only to get more photos (which the band may use for self promo) but because I felt rather proud and enjoyed the night, despite the hanger.
Let me know which photos are your favourites or if you've seen any of the mentioned bands yourselves. And hey, if you are in any of these bands and you love a photo feel free to pinch it but @ me on twitter or instagram if you do :)
Cheerio loved ones - Beky x